Publisher Emeritus: Peter McLaughlin
Editor / Publisher: Miles Tremaine
Content Director: Carrie Brautigam
Logo Design: Raine Raynor
Guest Editor Emeriti: Anna Hamilton; Natalie Ruby
Accepting Submissions:
Noise Magazine is open to publishing creative writing of all kinds. We are non-exclusive.
For poetry, we accept up to five pieces; for fiction, drama, criticism, or creative non-fiction, two pieces. If your work is exceptionally lengthy, feel free to reach out and we’ll work with you.
Visual Art
We accept up to 10 high-quality images showing physical works. Ok if pieces are framed, installed or neither. Details and gallery view are ok, but please include at least one whole-work-only picture per piece. For all photography, digital files such JPEG, TIFF, and PDF are great.
We want look-book and editorial fashion. Please give credit for everyone involved to the best of your knowledge, including all designers, models, hair & makeup, and photography teams.
We have room for you to talk to us on the record about your creative practice. This format has worked for musicians, dancers, urban planners, and more. Don’t hesitate to be in touch.
Got something that doesn’t quite fit in one of the above categories? Great! Send it over. In the past, we’ve printed crosswords, doodles, fake and real ads, song lyrics, logos, and more.
Please note this is a volunteer operation, which extends to contributors. We are unable to offer payment at this time. We hope this changes in the near future as we bolster funding structure.